A Good Sad Day

Amritake Banashi
2 min readMar 15, 2021

I’m having a sad day and I’m enjoying it. Very much. And I’m truly and maybe for the first time not saying this in a way that is actually lying lol.

Like, I’m really enjoying it. Leaning into the sad feels extra good today especially after an intense week. Maybe it’s because sad also let’s me cry and rest and be a baby. Letting my little baby self be craddled in my comfort, unbothered. Laying around and doing nothing ‘productive’, and really, just doing whatever the fuck I want or don’t want. What a privilege. What a luxury! And you know what, I’m sad so I’m not even gonna feel bad about it. I’ve been listening to old playlists, going through photos on my phone, watching horoscope youtubes, sipping on tea, eating snacks, stepping out to the patio here and there to stare at the gloomy rainy sky.

This is a sad day I want all to myself. I don’t need anyone to come make me feel better. I don’t want to feel rushed out of my sad. My soul is relishing and relaxing in the gloom, both resting and cleansing energy in it’s own natural cycle just like today’s sky.

If we thought about the parallels between Earth and Ourselves more, I wonder if we would be so quick and anxious to move out of the non-sunny as we’re so conditioned to do.

Also whoever made this emoji gets it: 🌫

