Amrito’s Love

Amritake Banashi
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


Amrito, a stuffed brown bear with soulful plastic eyes on bended knee.

This is Amrito.

He came to me as a gift when I was on a training course in Japan back in the day. He was originally wearing a blue yellow and red 必勝 hachimaki and his hands and knees were sown together in kneeling prayer pose. Cute idea I guess, but the intensity of his posture gave me anxiety so I tucked him away in a box in my closet for I think 10 years.

I did a deep clean this past winter break, the kind where I sort through even the boxes in the closet, and saw him. Because I had been yearning for my long lost Snowy (a long-lost polar bear with a scratched pink nose that I’ve had since age 5), I took him out, looked at him and instinctively took his hachimaki off, put it in the garbage pail and said out loud, “let’s not be fanatical anymore.” I still felt sorry that he was stuck in prayer pose for all eternity. I would make sure to hold him each night and give him kisses while saying his name Amrito so that he could at least receive some love while at it. (Amrito because he bears (pun!) witness to my process of making/attracting/birthing/becoming Amrita, and because he’s a cute little -ito.)

One morning after making my bed, I glanced over at him and realized that I could help him. I excitedly asked if I could do surgery on him. “Please!!” he said. I got my scissors and cut off the strings that were forcing his hands and knees together. His arms immediately set out to hug stance — he really was more of a hugger-type! His legs were slower to stretch out and it seemed like more time would be needed for him to be able to walk again. I shouted “You’re free! You’re free, Amrito!”. He spent the next several weeks relaxing into his liberation.

Everyone — Last night, Amrito gave me a wonderful gift back. I was in a moment of funkiness/sadness where the shadows of doubting magic and hope were trying to creep in with the night. This happens sometimes. Tried to chant if off and though most of the funk lifted I still felt tired and sad. I made my way to bed and as I moved the covers and reached for him, Amrito surprised me with this pose (see pic above)! He shouted, “I propose to you on bended knee, Keiko!” It immediately put a smile on my face, I felt so happy! I responded, “Oh Amrito, I love you!! Thank you!” and gave him numerous hugs and kisses. I looked into his soulful plastic eyes. Sincere. Unyielding. Eternal… I exhaled.

We cuddled and his sweet and thoughtful heart helped me enter the dream realm a loved woman.



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