A plastic T-rex looking up at an indoor Madagascar Dragon tree, accompanied by Star Ruby, 2 Aquamarines, Earth and Time.

School of Pachamama: Quantum Questioning 101

Amritake Banashi
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

If we know that time and space is a construct (a method of measuring the immeasurable), then the times and spaces we continue to agree upon/abide by are being largely upheld by us for the purpose of gathering and producing by. Pachamama’s lesson of making us fast from physically gathering (if we’re privileged to even be able to do so), could be thought of as a lesson to help us strengthen other ways of relating to self, other and world.

What has come up as we commune intimately with all of ourselves, with others and the world when the physical aspect is withheld? What has shifted, deepened and changed in our mental, emotional, spiritual and relational capacities this past year as a result?

As per usual, Pachamama and the law of cause and effect is strict. If we ignore the lessons at hand, we literally could risk getting sick and dying. I got covid a year ago, some of my family members did, and I have lost loved ones from it, it’s not a joke. I feel it’s important to clarify here though, that there’s immense wisdom in the law of cause and effect and other workings of the universe. It’s not as simple as good = reward, bad = punishment. Each person’s physical presence and time on this plane has everything to do with their own intricately grand and schemed timelines of their eternal lives. So it’s not like, ‘Oh you hung out with people without your mask on now your punishment is death’. There are also people who have no choice but to work in direct services to support themselves, loved ones and those who need emergent services.

I guess who I’m mostly making an appeal to are those who maybe don’t care about things like Pachamama’s lessons. The things is though, whether we care or not we’re still forced to navigate our present circumstances which is one that limits our freedom to move and convene no matter where we are on 3D Earth. Maybe we thought that we’d be out of shelter in place by now (all those memes about how 2021 was gonna be different) but I wonder if there are reasons why we’re not. Maybe we think we will be on ‘lock down’ forever, but something tells me we don’t get to have that much time to learn our lessons. Trust me, I would love to be like ‘Fuck it - I’m gonna travel to Egypt to see the pyramids then travel around the world afterwards to give my friends souvenirs and hugs!’ but I can’t. I mean I could, but in our present collective paradigm it would be considered incredibly incongruent and off.

How then can we get present with Pachamama’s lessons at hand?

I think it looks different for each person and each person knows best what the lesson even is for them. One piece of advice that comes to mind though: maybe not treat this ‘time’/predicament as though we are passing through some meaningless thing until we get permission to go see movies in theaters again.

Permission — actually, maybe that’s a good place to start.

We can begin first by taking stock of who and what entities we give authority when it comes to dictating how we move and engage in the world. Is it the government, medical data, social contracts, capitalism, colonization, specific forms of oppression, spiritual guides, ancestors, our offspring, partners teams and cohabitants, future descendants, Pachamama, information from the Quantum realm, extraterrestrial entities and/or Self? Maybe it’s all or some of the above. Follow up: what emotions do we allow these various permission-giving entities evoke and suppress in us? Might we be under spells that we’re not even aware of until checking?

Perhaps a natural next step in exploring Pachamama’s lesson is then the question: Am I identifying and addressing the lessons tucked in my shadows?

Exploring shadows make room for wisdom and light. It does takes courage, honesty, creating ‘time’ and effort to address it, being willing to release what no longer aligns as well as inviting in what does, painful sad and angering realizations, a listening to of innate desire, pleasure, relief, joy, laughter, freedom, and attuning your resonance and discernment barometer.

Maybe you’re like why would I even do this? Do I have to?

Nope. No one has to do anything they don’t want to. Some people are not even meant to take on Pachamama’s lessons depending on the destiny/roles they choose.

If you do decide to give it a try though, there are perks.

  • Purification of the senses and the ten factors beginning with Nyoze-so (appearance).
  • Illumination of even the most musty never-visited caves within our lives like a match that’s lit to set to a nice contained bonfire; warm, supportive and lasting.
  • Transformation of karma by healing and liberating our own timelines and simultaneously that of our ancestors and descendants as we alchemize our joint wisdom and bend past present and future destinies together.
  • Tapping into true self, learning our own specific 32 features and 80 characteristics, the treasure of being exactly who we are, being able to enjoy oneself fully while continuing to learn more and more from our own endless reservoir, and making offerings to others and the world from that powerful knowing of Self.

… to name a few. There are more.

Our circumstances say we’re still in the Pachamama classroom of learning quantum lessons if we’re willing to be students.



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